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时间:2025-01-19 23:48:44来源:证券之星阅读量:17043   

Kerr Xu, CEO of LaSense Technology, expressed in an interview with us that Guangdong Province is at the forefront of the nation in the development of new quality productive forces. The Greater Bay Area , with its numerous world-class universities, serves as a major talent hub. In addition, its private sector remains highly dynamic. As a result, Guangdong excels at integrating key elements of new quality productive forces, including industry, academic institutions, and talent.

Xu also added that Guangdong offers a variety of entrepreneur-friendly policies, which greatly assist Hong Kong startups in establishing a business presence in mainland cities within the Greater Bay Area, helping bring new technologies to meet the demands of businesses.

In November 2019, LaSense Technology was founded in Hong Kong, specializing in the independent research and production of ultra-high sensitive gas sensors . After a year, the startup moved to the youth innovation and entrepreneur hub located in Shenzhen's Qianhai, referred to as the Dream Factory , where it established LaSense Technology Co., Ltd.



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